I’ve often thought to myself that people should not call themselves Protestants if they disagree with what Luther says in his The Bondage of the Will, which is the first written debate of the Protestant Reformation in which Luther identifies what he believes to be the central issue in the controversy of his day. I decided to spend our men’s Bible study hour doing some church history, and reading select portions from this important work.
Luther and The Bondage of the Will
Overview and discussion of the first written debate of the Reformation.
Oct 26, 2024

LJRamsey - Audio + Sermons
Christian Minister, Preacher and writer. Co-founder of New Harvest Ministries NEO.
Books can be found here: https://www.newharvestministriesneo.org/books
Christian Minister, Preacher and writer. Co-founder of New Harvest Ministries NEO.
Books can be found here: https://www.newharvestministriesneo.org/booksListen on
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